Sunday, May 2, 2010

WebEasy On Steroids copyright infringement

Recently our WebEasy On Steroids copyright was infringed upon.  Because of this situation, the decision has been made to make all future updates on our Members Only Web Design Forum.

In order to register for this forum you must use the same email address as was used to purchase WebEasy On Steroids with PayPal.  A maximum of three IP addresses may be used by members to access this forum.  Should there be a special need, members are asked to communicate with the WebEasy On Steroids administrator immediately.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dozens of new resources added to Forum during February 2010

During the month of February 2010, dozens of great resources were added to our "members only" Forum!  From simple but handy scripts to sources of free graphics, as we find them they will be added to our WebEasy On Steroids Web Design Forum.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

WebEasy On Steroids Members Only Forum is Operational

With the release of WebEasy On Steroids, we have added a message board/forum for those who had purchased our tutorial.  Please register using the same email you did when buying WebEasy On Steroids and you will be approved within 24 hours.

We hope you will join in and become an active part of discussions, whether it be asking questions or giving advice.  Although it will be quite some time until we have a large group, don't let that stop you from communicating!

We look forward to getting to know you on our WebDesign Forum.

Friday, January 29, 2010

WebEasy On Steroids is finally fully operational!

After many adjustments in the format of our WebEasy On Steroids tutorial, the final product is ready to go, at long last.  Thanks to all of you who have been patiently waiting to receive the link to this wonderful WebEasy 8 Professional tutorial.

We have also added a link to our WebEasy On Steroids "Members Only" forum that will be included with the "Index" page.

We truly hope you enjoy WebEasy On Steroids!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Coming First Quarter 2010... WebEasy On Steroids!

The latest update is that WebEasy On Steroids® will be available sometime in March.  For those who have been patiently waiting, we offer our most humble apologies.  This project has taken much longer to complete than originally anticipated, but the product is looking fantastic!

After careful consideration it was decided that we would go very heavy on screenshots, in order to make it simple even for those who have very little PC experience to learn to use WebEasy 8 Professional®.

We truly appreciate your patience, and eagerly await the release of WebEasy On Steroids®!